
When Saturn and Jupiter Meet in the Middle

By Ellen Weeren

Children play on street corners until the lights grow dim and the stars are visible like pinpricks on a bulletin…

Commercial Break

By Benjamin Niespodziany

Once a week a truck driver drove down our street. Stuck to the sides of the semi were two television…

Party in the O.R.

By Lannie Stabile

Today is my double mastectomy. Today is also my birthday. As he numbs me, the anesthesiologist wears a pink pointed…

Be Prepared

By JR Walsh

A baby grand piano appeared after Billie moved in with her son. Fourth-rate elegance. Plywood garbage. The stroke took away…


By Susan Wigmore

Demons cavort in the darkness of trees. Slender, knuckle-cracking things, whispering a wasp language. You stop your ears with moss,…

Orange: Micro Series

By Jared Povanda

Womb Cat wants to paint her house fluorescent orange. Call it Crisis. Call it citrus combating scurvy. Cat doesn’t go…

My Mother Calls Her a Head-Case Convict

By Kaya Dierks

But here I am anyway, in the CVS on Perkins and Sixteenth, allowing her to turn me criminal. Like this.…

AU: the night your husband proposed

By Vic Nogay

You’re standing with toes far back from the edge, not prepared for a swim that night in Otsego when he…

Fast Flash Challenge Contest Winners & Shortlisted writers

By Fractured Lit

1st: Place: Party in the O.R. by Lannie Stabile Runner-Up: Through the Window by Susan Wigmore Runner-Up: Be Prepared by…


By Linda Niehoff

We were always driving and once in the night in the dark after hours and hours, days even of only…

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