/ editor in chief /
Tommy Dean
/ associate editors /
Exodus Oktavia Brownlow and Amy Barnes
/ readers /
Ali McGrane, Amy L Clark, Bari Lynn Hein, Blake Bell, Cathy Ulrich, Cole Beauchamp, Courtney Clute, Deirdre Danklin, Jeff Harvey, Jessica Evans, Michelle Christophorou, Olivia Kingery, Regan Puckett, RobertA Beary, Robin Zlotnick, Sally Simon, Sara Dobbie, Shannon Sullivan, and Stephanie Chang
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fiction that lingers long after the flash
Fractured Lit publishes flash fiction with emotional resonance, with characters who come to life through their actions and responses to the world around them. We’re searching for flash that investigates the mysteries of being human; the sorrow and the joy of connecting to the diverse population.
Fractured Lit is open year-round and is available to all writers. We currently publish microfiction (up to 400 words) and flash fiction (401-1,000 words), with new writing featured on Mondays and Thursdays. We also offer contests throughout the year.
For more information, please see our submission page. View our calendar here.
statement of values
We believe that the power of stories and art serves as a medium to help us empathize and learn from others. This is a worthwhile pursuit as we strive to build an inclusive literary magazine that desires to represent the voices of all people in the form of fresh and exciting flash fiction. In order to do this, we will not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry, disability, family status, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, or for any other reason. What we love about flash fiction is the form’s ability to create an empathic and emotional connection between the character and the reader. Its ability to question the status quo, to create a defamiliarization of the typical—to create meaning between writer and reader, to show the power that stories have to do some of the work of eliminating hate, racism, bigotry, misogyny, or the condoning or glorifying of violence. Therefore, we reserve the right not to publish works that dwell unnecessarily in or that are unchallenging of the discrimination categories listed above. We reserve the right to send back work unread and unevaluated if we find the work violates our vision of inclusivity and non-discrimination. This may result in banning individual works or writers from our submission queue.
We know that we have a unique platform to provide a space for marginalized or underrepresented voices, and we take this responsibility seriously and sincerely. Fractured Lit believes that Black Lives Matter, that Black Voices Matter, that Black Art Matters. We are working to provide an exciting, but safe place for Black writers of any background and experience. Our aim is to join in the development of an anti-racist society, to challenge bigotry, and to showcase literature from marginalized or underrepresented voices.
In order to provide a safe publishing experience, we will support the victims of sexual harassment. We reserve the right to deplatform writers if we learn that they have broken our non-discrimination values elsewhere.