“He’s bleeding out!” These words stampede through the air, disembodied from their owner. “Somebody help him!” I stand on the museum steps. When the words reach me, I am unsteadied by their desperate velocity, and I wobble on the bottom step. I hope they have reached ears besides my own, but the green lawn abutting…
We went to the museum, but we didn’t see anything good. We sat on a long bench under the great T-Rex, frozen in midroar. Outside, your son wound his way through a fake rainforest, raised pathways running under and over each other. He had darted for the doors as soon as the tickets were paid…
In the first month of the year after the holiday season she felt out of sorts (the season she got the diagnosis, the season the doctor gave her a referral to the Giant Hospital), Barbara bought things. She awoke every day with the phrase carpe diem on a looping conveyor belt in her mind, showered…
When the Giant Breathed
In 2023, the island known in County Kerry as the Sleeping Giant, named for its resemblance to a man lying on his back, exhaled. Those first few people to see it were quick to dismiss the notion they must have seen mist rising or a flock of gulls. For, as they explained, they had seen…
The Children
When the Children came back, they came back different. Dante had an arm that wasn’t his attached at the shoulder. You could tell because of how long it was, much longer than the other, and the fact that it was on backward. Rachel, who always talked so much before, couldn’t talk at all except to…
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