
Too Distracted to Function

By Lannie Stabile

Trigonometry was Michaela’s least favorite subject. Her teacher, Mrs. Parveen, was at the front of the room, giving trigonometric functions…

Canoeing the Black Fork Mohican, 1978

By Phillip Sterling

What you remember is how you had trouble believing it was Ohio, even southern Ohio, the way the river moved…

Cigar Caps in the Dollar Store Parking Lot

By Jad Josey

You ask me: What is the collective noun for a handful of spent cigars beneath the knotty, crooked oak in…

Nowhere to Land

By Abbie Barker

The night your father and uncle guzzle a thirty-pack of Miller Lite and ride your glittery bike shirtless through the…

Winter 2022 Fast Flash Challenge Winners and Shortlist

By Fractured Lit

1st Place: The circus without white horses or elephants by Fiona Lynch 2nd Place: Sheepskin by Hannah Zhang 3rd Place:…

Berkeley Square

By Lori Sambol Brody

We took BART and then a bus down University Avenue, me in my jeans and black pleather jacket, as soft…


By Abigail Chang

but she is always multiplying, like a rabbit. In this version of the universe, Sally is only nine years old…

2022 The Fractured Lit Micro Fiction Prize Winners and Shortlisted Writers

By Fractured Lit

First Place: Raising Rabbits by F.E. Choe 2nd Place: Burn It All Down by Karen Jones 3rd Place: Casual Pinch,…

Prison in Hawaii

By Michael Czyzniejewski

The air raid sirens sounded and my brother Bruno scrambled, demanding to know where my basement was. I didn’t have…

The Newborn

By Kenny Tanemura

The swaddled newborn startles awake at a quarter to midnight. I plug his mouth with a powder blue pacifier bearing…

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