
How to Take Care (of the Environment)

By Yvanna Vien Tica

1. Reduce The first night you eat Peking duck. It is not your first time to consider ducks as food…

Monsters, Mystery, & Mayhem Contest Shortlist

By Fractured Lit
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These 20 stories thrilled us with their specific and creepy details, their attention to character, and their surprises in plot…

A Language Is a Story

By Olga Musial

Father says he built the house back in Poland and hauled it with him across the Atlantic. The story goes:…

Monsters, Mystery, & Mayhem Contest Longlist

By Fractured Lit
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These 39 stories thrilled us with their specific and creepy details, their attention to character, and their surprises in plot…


By Elizabeth Maria Naranjo

We wait until the soft explosions above deaden to absolute silence—not the kind of silence that listens but the kind…

The Day Never Happened

By Sara Chansarkar

I did not combine melted butter and eggs in the medium mixing bowl or beat the mixture with the hand…

Action Movie

By Lena Valencia

When they ask the hero how big the bomb is, he says “Big enough to blow a hole in the…

Orca Girl

By Nicole Tsuno

wears a killer whale’s tooth like a toe tag and populates every available margin with sketches of the sea Oreos.…

Bone on Bone

By Eric Scot Tryon

My son starts grinding his teeth in the Fall of 3rd grade. As he sleeps. The scraping, the pressure –…

Play Money

By Judith Claire Mitchell

At eight I was rich and powerful, controlled railroads and electric companies. A banker, I embezzled rainbows of cash that…

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