The Made Boy
This little boy has forgotten how he was made. He is old enough to know he can’t ask his teddy…
The secret to sin is to do it in secret. We learned secrecy young—two girls taught to swallow our hunger—so…
Everything So Different and the Same
How pointlessly beautiful, a tree. How massive and calm and sometimes crushing and on fire. How a tree’s waving branches…
Attaboy Louis
Louis liked the name: Prospect Cemetery. As if its prescient eighteenth-century builders had known that one day college boys would…
Worms in the Dirt
No time left in Jackie’s thumbs. They died before the rest of her, dangled precious on jagged hipbones, in and…
When Saturn and Jupiter Meet in the Middle
Children play on street corners until the lights grow dim and the stars are visible like pinpricks on a bulletin…
Commercial Break
Once a week a truck driver drove down our street. Stuck to the sides of the semi were two television…
Party in the O.R.
Today is my double mastectomy. Today is also my birthday. As he numbs me, the anesthesiologist wears a pink pointed…
Be Prepared
A baby grand piano appeared after Billie moved in with her son. Fourth-rate elegance. Plywood garbage. The stroke took away…
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