
Ghost Girl Ballet

By Chelsea Stickle

After Edgar Degas’ “Dance Rehearsal, 1874” People say ballet theaters are haunted by the dancers who died tragically young, but…

Like Soap

By Slawka G. Scarso

When we were fourteen, Tessa, Gina, and I used to laugh at Mrs. Meade, our history teacher, who always came…

I Told Them I’m a Vampire Who Likes To Drink Blood

By Kristina Saccone

I wished it on my 16th birthday candles. The school counselor said to believe in myself, so I did. It…

Scars and Time

By James Palmer

She has a small scar behind her left earlobe and I wonder if she knows that I’m aware of it.…

Hardwood Nights

By Margaret MacInnis

Her first love stands in the doorway, a lanky licorice stick of a boy, all words and high tops, sweet…

Monsters, Mystery, & Mayhem Contest Winners & Shortlisted writers

By Fractured Lit
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1st: Place: At the Bottom of the Well is a Home by Laur Freymiller 2nd Place: My Brother, Named and…

Little Worlds

By Nathan Alling Long

Sara’s building tiny huts made of mud that she hollows out with her thumbs and then covers with sticks from…

Sugar Baby

By Alexa Logush

When Danny turned six, his mouth rotted and a host of flies swarmed his lips. They laid their ugly eggs…

How to Embed your Legacy

By Anita Goveas

Take one pair of lightly-arched, freshly-manicured feet, slip off your mother’s gold-edged chappals that always chafed, and plant them firmly…


By Jamie Etheridge

She knocks things over—pyramid-stacked cans in the grocery store, books off the shelf at the library, her father’s glasses from…

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