
Two Phenomena of Roughly Equal Importance

By Robert Shapard

“The air on Mars—what there is of it—is leaking away,” he said. “About half a pound a second sputtering into…

Something to See

By Alberto Vourvoulias

●Suit jacket and pants. White shirt. ●Brown knit tie, too narrow, too long. ●Pocket square, folded and stapled into shape.…

Golden Hour, Four Days After the Storm

By Beth Gilstrap

Unsecured in the back seat, I stretched my legs out where my sibling usually sat next to me, preaching about…

Billy Joel’s 1989 Hit Song and The Possibility of Beauty

By Daniel DiFranco

“The letter opener?” I said to my husband in the middle of the night. “I panicked,” he said, rolling the…

Once, Three Brothers Guided Two Moons Across the Sky

By Joel Hans

But now there are only two brothers and one moon. At the end of my seven-day shift, I hang the…

Rock Paper Scissors

By Erin Vachon

Her name was on the Literature of Mathematics & Economics conference roster, attendee badge plucked from the folding table by…

The Nights I Spend Reading to a Rescue Horse Named Emmeline

By Pat Foran

Monday I am reading to Emmeline a story about a man who had no DNA. He had severe radiation damage…

Sundays with Clarisa

By Ji Hyun Joo

My husband owns a German bisque doll from the late 1800s. Her name is Clarisa. She has delicate blonde curls…

Her Deleted Scenes

By Catherine O' Brien

Her head was found perpendicular to the lake. The sight almost eventuated a myocardial infarction, that’s a heart attack to…

Grandpa Revisits the Modern Art Era

By Timothy Boudreau

All winter, Grandpa seems frailer, like he’s entering a final phase. His living room’s cluttered, he hasn’t shaved, and we…

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