
Into the White

By Gillian OShaughnessy

The wolves are out again. I can hear them, their hollow wails in the pines, slicing through a storm of…


By Eric Pahre

It is not an air raid. Above the city’s steepled church-tops the two planes break from the clouds. Sunlit rain…


By K. A. Polzin

I didn’t have any theater experience, but when I saw the ad for background actors for a local play, I…

When We’re Empty Of What We Are Designed To Hold

By Quinn Rennerfeldt

One Sunday morning, I wake up to discover that both of my daughters have turned into birds. The younger—a tow-headed…


By Kim Steutermann Rogers

It was the year the flood washed a parade of homes downriver. They called it a rain bomb. Kate’s home…

Two Cops Come to the Door

By Arthur Russell

Yes, I saw something. I was making my regular Friday night sauce-and-cheese sandwich. It’s like pizza on an Italian bread.…

Two Phenomena of Roughly Equal Importance

By Robert Shapard

“The air on Mars—what there is of it—is leaking away,” he said. “About half a pound a second sputtering into…

Something to See

By Alberto Vourvoulias

●Suit jacket and pants. White shirt. ●Brown knit tie, too narrow, too long. ●Pocket square, folded and stapled into shape.…

Golden Hour, Four Days After the Storm

By Beth Gilstrap

Unsecured in the back seat, I stretched my legs out where my sibling usually sat next to me, preaching about…

Billy Joel’s 1989 Hit Song and The Possibility of Beauty

By Daniel DiFranco

“The letter opener?” I said to my husband in the middle of the night. “I panicked,” he said, rolling the…

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