Fractured Lit

The Fractured Lit Anthology Volume 3 Winners

By Fractured Lit

Judge, Peter Orner, chose these 20 stories for inclusion in the next anthology!

Fractured Lit Legends, Myths, & Allegories Prize Longlist

By Fractured Lit

46 stories on our Longlist! We’re working on selecting our shortlist now, and soon we’ll announce those titles and get…

2023 Micro Challenge Winner and Runners-up

By Fractured Lit

We’re excited to name the winner and the runners-up! We’ll publish all three micros in June! Winner! Grilled Cheese by…

The Economy of Language: An Interview with Sarah Freligh

By Fractured Lit

Sarah Freligh’s new collection, A Brief Natural History of Women, will be released in June by Harbor Editions. These flash…

2023 Micro Challenge Shortlist

By Fractured Lit

From this top ten, editor Tommy Dean will choose a winner!

Who May Be Left Out: An Interview with Jolene McIlwain

By Fractured Lit

Jolene McIlwain’s Sidle Creek, a collection of flash and short stories, is amazingly balanced between characters we care about and…

The Fractured Lit Anthology Volume 3 Shortlist

By Fractured Lit

Of these 42 stories, judge Peter Orner will choose 20 for inclusion in the next anthology!

Brief Moments of Human Connection: An Interview with Andrew Porter

By Fractured Lit

Sometimes you read a single story by a writer, and you become a fan for life. This happened when I…

The Fractured Lit Anthology Volume 3 Longlist

By Fractured Lit

Of these 58 stories, 40 of them will be sent to judge Peter Orner. He will choose 20 for inclusion…

Winter 2022 Fast Flash Challenge Winners and Shortlist

By Fractured Lit

1st Place: The circus without white horses or elephants by Fiona Lynch 2nd Place: Sheepskin by Hannah Zhang 3rd Place:…

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