Fractured Lit
Follow the Language: An Interview with John Fulton
I think I found John Fulton’s short story collections somewhere in my early writing days; after reading stories by Carver,…
“Undying Wind”: An Interview with Myna Chang
Myna Chang’s new flash collection, The Potential of Radio and Rain (out now from CutBank Books), is a revelation on…
I Wanted This to Feel Personal: An Interview with Tucker Leighty-Phillips
Avee Chaudhuri: Children at play seems to be of recurring interest in the collection. There are all these powerful and…
The Fractured Lit Anthology Volume 3 Winners
Judge, Peter Orner, chose these 20 stories for inclusion in the next anthology!
Fractured Lit Legends, Myths, & Allegories Prize Longlist
46 stories on our Longlist! We’re working on selecting our shortlist now, and soon we’ll announce those titles and get…
2023 Micro Challenge Winner and Runners-up
We’re excited to name the winner and the runners-up! We’ll publish all three micros in June! Winner! Grilled Cheese by…
The Economy of Language: An Interview with Sarah Freligh
Sarah Freligh’s new collection, A Brief Natural History of Women, will be released in June by Harbor Editions. These flash…
Who May Be Left Out: An Interview with Jolene McIlwain
Jolene McIlwain’s Sidle Creek, a collection of flash and short stories, is amazingly balanced between characters we care about and…
The Fractured Lit Anthology Volume 3 Shortlist
Of these 42 stories, judge Peter Orner will choose 20 for inclusion in the next anthology!
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