Nationwide that year, 128 officers were killed in the line of duty. My father is number 87 in the official report,…
The I.C.’s
They were everywhere: the I.C.’s. You couldn’t spit without hitting one. You tripped over them in the street, on the…
It is impossible to fold the same piece of paper seven times. 1. You wrote inside the lines. Your textbooks…
Waving Tassels
Plan to Free The dog ate the turkey. Then killed all the village swans, piled the white corpses at the…
On the Day Meryl Stopped Being Pregnant
The top drawer of the old bureau painted to look new held thirty-six onesies, freshly laundered and folded into tiny…
the 2020 fractured lit micro fiction prize shortlist
We’re proud to announce the 25 titles of our shortlist! The submissions we received were resonant, inventive, and so engaging…
Lost Centuries
Yonder Years Ago So down a synapse they tunneled, carried past sensation burdens: memory waves chute-oscillated, irrigated crevices and canals…
Another Morning
The rifle leans by the cabin door. The gray window is cold to the touch. The mother sucks something from…
Lakeside Mermaid
It takes thirty years for my older sister to swim here from the Pacific coast. She no longer has vocal…
Wild Thing
CW: kidnapping But we were so young and our parents were hippies, and our music came from the garage band…
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