
My Mother, the Water Monster

By Aeriel Merillat

I drove to the county hospital to pick up my mother. She was not as I suspected. They handed her…

In All The Loveless Places

By Jennifer McMahon

The pretty cowgirl’s mouth is wild with tameless laughter, and the tassels on her calfskin miniskirt and waistcoat dance to…


By Ali Mckenzie-Murdoch

Spirits. Toria doesn’t speak German, but no language is necessary. Her voice melodious with children or men, she tilts her…

Candied Lemon

By Grace Kennedy

Kate knew it would not work with Ethan when she watched him remove the thinly sliced circles of candied lemon…

We Mistakenly Think It Keeps Growing

By Marilyn Hope

# Freddie goes missing overnight on a Sunday. That week is a blur of search parties and candlelight vigils, porch…

If we name it Mittens, can we please keep the food delivery bot, please?

By Moisés R. Delgado

That July, all our dreams were bones. T-rex bones, kneecap bones, bones larger than our house, bones of a dinosaur…

Is Now and Ever Shall Be

By Alex Bisker

The paper clips look like angels if you bend them a certain way. We wear them reverently or as reverently…

possible future for our daughter #683

By Carly Alaimo

In this future, my mistakes as a parent—the ones my friends told me not to beat myself up about—they make…


By Jennifer Ahlquist

A new pair of underwear arrives in the mail on the 14th of every month. The subscription service delivers on…

Along the Edge of the Fading Light

By Tara Isabel Zambrano

I pick up stuff. Things others left behind. Scarves, mittens, dollar bills, pens, rings. And I cannot describe what it…

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