
the 2021 fractured lit ghost, fable, and fractured fairy tale prize shortlist

By Fractured Lit

We’re proud to announce the 23 titles of our shortlist! The submissions we received were so thrilling, inventive, and affecting…


By Yunya Yang

Years ago, his mother brought home a rabbit. “Make it fat, will you?” she asked him. The boy held the…

the 2021 fractured lit ghost, fable, and fractured fairy tale prize longlist

By Fractured Lit

We’re proud to announce the 57 titles of our longlist! The submissions we received were so thrilling, inventive, and affecting…

Things Never Stay Warm

By Maria Alejandra Barrios

I wear my dead sister’s lipstick around the house like Grandma told me to. It leaves my lips dry and…

A Nice Blue Place

By David Byron Queen

Our father knows all about fishing, but he doesn’t do it anymore. He doesn’t do a lot of things anymore.…

Motherhood: A Hexaptych

By Candace Hartsuyker

1 She is cold, but they are frost and shiver. She digs them holes in the snow, sweeping ice crystals…

Authentic, Real, and Good

By Jemimah Wei

The truth is I got hired for my looks and promoted for my flexible standards of truth and that is…

Waving Tassels

By David Morgan O'Connor

Plan to Free  The dog ate the turkey. Then killed all the village swans, piled the white corpses at the…

One Long Sting

By Emma Stough

From the time I learn how to bleed I keep a scab in the fleshy inner curve of my ear.…

the sea was there

By Alvin Park

I don’t know where Mom learned to drive. I don’t know where she learned to hold the wheel firm or…

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