
The Nomenclature of Flight

By Nova Wang

At dusk, we snuck into the backyard and planted birdseed by the drive. This was so robins would sprout out…

Monsters, Mystery, & Mayhem Contest Shortlist

By Fractured Lit
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These 20 stories thrilled us with their specific and creepy details, their attention to character, and their surprises in plot…

Monsters, Mystery, & Mayhem Contest Longlist

By Fractured Lit
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These 39 stories thrilled us with their specific and creepy details, their attention to character, and their surprises in plot…

Tollbooth Madonna

By Kayla Rutledge

In her old age, the Virgin Mary moves to your town in the North Carolina backwoods, buys a fixer-upper and…

Blink and You Miss Her

By Deesha Philyaw

You were 48 hours old when I called the midwife and told her that my uterus was falling out, hanging…

Rubber Boots

By Jamie Feldman

Sister Francis’ long black coat whipped behind her in the wind, clipping the heads off dying dandelions and scattering white…


By John Fulton

When the boys’ father came to pick them up at their mother’s and take them for the day, he was…

Phantom Trails

By Christine Kandic Torres

When Tía Amelia died, we ordered KFC. “Kentucky Fried Cruelty,” she used to call it, before biting into the flesh…

Rat Girl

By Patricia Q. Bidar

She calls herself Rat Girl, but she looks like a little Swiss doll. Now in the Chapel, she is singing…

Mary the Obscure

By Mandana Chaffa

The Marys—mothers, daughters, whores, saints, queens and killers—meet every Thursday afternoon in Riverside Park during the spring and summer months.…

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