the 2021 fractured lit ghost, fable, and fractured fairy tale prize shortlist
We’re proud to announce the 23 titles of our shortlist! The submissions we received were so thrilling, inventive, and affecting that we’ve had a hard time narrowing down the list! From this list, judge Kevin Brockmeier has chosen his final 3 winners and 2 honorable mentions! Winners will be announced early next week!
A Guide to Small Town Ghosts Regan Puckett
The Better to See D.E. Hardy
This Is How You Become a Myth Ophelia Hu Kinney
El Triste Eric Scot Tryon
The Changeling Sarah Boudreau
The sixth-eldest dancing princess looks back at her legacy Madeline Anthes
The Bone Child Meagan Johanson
Recorded Live dm armstrong
Nosebleed Weather Marilyn Hope
A Too Small Room Yume Kitasei
The Sea Witch Lindsey Kirchoff
Springriven Olivia Frost
The Day The Moon Fell Iona Rule
Scratchers Corey Farrenkopf
Bitter Doll Susan Power
Bloodcoat Carolyne Topdjian
Shame Street Anne Perez
The Eaves Audrey Burges
Dialogue Between a Woman and Her Ba Faye Brinsmead
Ornithology for Girls Tara Stillions Whitehead
Women’s Work Carolyn Jack
His Mother’s Teeth KC Mead-Brewer
god at the side of the road A Poythress
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