fractured lit flash fiction prize judged by K-Ming Chang
closed 7/18/2021
2021 Winners:
1st Place: Everything Will Be Okay in the End by Lindy Biller
2nd Place: Self-Portrait as Everything You're Not by Jasmine Sawers
3rd Place: Day Trader by Dominic Reed
Honorable Mentions:
A Language Is a Story by Olga Musial
Baby Teeth by Katherine Van Dis
In Memory of Boots by G.C. Gunn
Somebody Lonely by Marilyn Dees
Other Women by Caitlin McCormick
Easter Morning by William Hawkins
White Powder by E Madison Shimoda
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage by Tian Yi
Thoughts Before the Group Session by Peter Hoppock
The Swimming Lesson by Nadia Born
Mother Tongue
A Perfect Facsimile of Flight by Audrey Burges
Nicky True by Kris Faatz
The Grip of a Girl’s Legs by Meg Tuite
How A World-Famous Pianist Arrives At His Venue Where He Plays Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 In A Slightly Out-Of-Tune C Minor by Noémi Scheiring-Oláh
The Trade by Erin MacNair
The Trouble With Quantum by Tong Qiu
Whisper Down The Lane by Mubanga Kalimamukwento
Have Yourself a Merry Little by JSP Jacobs
little piggy and the seven seas by Thomas LeVrier
Pioneers by Shannon Bowring
Robot You by Heidi Kasa
The Four Worst Paint Names We Came Across At Home Depot Upon Failing To Pick A New Color For The Empty Spare Room by R.S. Powers
Your $20 reading fee allows up to two stories of 1,000 words or fewer each per entry—if submitting two stories, please put them both in a SINGLE document
We allow multiple submissions—each set of two flash stories should have a separate submission accompanied by a reading fee
Flash Fiction only—1,000 word count maximum
We only consider unpublished work for contests—we do not review reprints, including self-published work
Simultaneous submissions are okay—please notify us and withdraw your entry if you find another home for your writing
All entries will also be considered for publication in Fractured Lit
Double-space your submission and use Times New Roman 12 pt font
Please include a brief cover letter with your publication history (if applicable). Please mention any content warnings as necessary to protect our readers!
We only read work in English
We do not read blind. The judge will read anonymously from the shortlist.