
Evening Clay

By Josh Wagner

The speaker made us choose: “Your house is on fire. Family and pets are safe. What one thing would you…

Rabbit Rabbit

By Sally Toner

That spring before, the crows on their farm were Don Corleone, leaving the heads of baby rabbits on their patio.…

Muscle and Might

By Bob Thurber

— Another Misadventure of The Broken Boys — The boys started climbing at first light. In the crisp air, their…

2021 Fractured Lit Pushcart Nominations

By Fractured Lit
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Lost Centuries by Shome Dasgupta Motherhood: A Hexaptych by Candace Hartsuyker Nothing the Wind Might Sting by Edie Patterson A…

Grandma Kim at Forty-Five: A Serigraph in Four Layers

By Chloe Seim

1/10 Grandma Kim had a rose-petal mouth. See the ballooned lips, half-inch creases trapping her mouth at each end. Such…

I chose the pencil

By Richard Schwarzenberger

The receptionist, who I thought might be a robot, told me I could fill out the form online or else…

Mi Porvenir

By A.J. Rodriguez

There used to be a village named for the future. It straddled la frontera like the saddles of the vaqueros…

Salt City Runaway

By Gillian OShaughnessy

A sheep has escaped from the abattoir. It’s loose on the railway line that runs along the coast to the…

Girl in the Snow

By Wendy Oleson

He’d be back soon, and she was glad to be cold. From the passenger’s seat, she’d watched him float up…


By Christopher Allen

My father tells me the constant rush of water through our town is the whoosh of the world going round.…

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