2024 Fractured Lit Ghost, Fable, and Fairy Tales Prize Longlist

We asked for new ways to tell these kinds of stories, and these 52 writers did not disappoint! We’re working on getting down to a shortlist very soon. We can’t wait to send it to our guest, Judge Aimee Bender!

  1. Dear Goldilocks
  2. Snow White and the Sleep Study
  3. Heart of Stone
  4. What Big Eyes
  5. The Incantation
  6. The Nesting Doll Paradigm
  7. The Boy Who Couldn’t Sleep
  8. The Weeper
  9. Every Time a Bell Rings
  10. Heterothermy
  11. Deliverance
  12. Enjoy Every Moment
  13. He is the River Monster
  14. The Cycle
  15. The Department of Missed Connections
  16. Agnes and The Dog Star
  17. Forgiveness by the Numbers
  18. Pizza Rat, Don’t Think I Have Forgotten You
  19. Her Little Animal
  20. The Rat-Catcher of Hamelin
  21. Selection Pressures
  22. Narrative Seeds
  23. Cordelia’s Ghosts
  24. The Rattle Grass
  25. Our Lady of Clean Kitchens
  26. Blue Dragon
  27. Dreams of Me
  28. Second Sight
  29. To Pay the Piper
  30. The Last Time I Saw Frank
  31. A Fairy Tale for Florida Girls
  32. Selkie’s Stew
  33. Yellow Eyes Jack
  34. The Pebble and the Witch
  35. Wild Horses
  36. A wommon’s World
  37. Harpy
  38. To the Tower
  39. Godmother Yes
  40. Is There, Is There Balm in Gilead
  41. Ratibia
  42. Animal Nature
  43. The Riding Hood Effect
  44. A Goat for Goldstein
  45. Thank You For Coming
  46. The Burden of Authority
  47. Mama Bear
  48. A New Volcano Friend
  49. At Whistling
  50. The Mouth
  51. The Desert Sound
  52. Let Down

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