the 2021 fractured lit flash fiction prize longlist
We’re so excited to announce the 52 titles of our longlist! The submissions we received were so original, exciting, and creative that we’ve had a hard time narrowing down the list! We’ll announce the shortlist titles in the next few days! Thank you for your patience! From this list, K-Ming Chang will select 3 winners!
Somebody Lonely
A Bird and My Daughter Is a Blueberry
L and D
Cuba, July 2021
Everything Will Be Okay in the End
100 Million, Oblivion
I Heart Sluts
Other Women
The Perfect Mother
Easter Morning
White Powder
Story of Your Life
Baby Teeth
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage
In the Language of Flowers Hydrangeas Symbolize Gratitude for Being Understood
Thoughts Before the Group Session
The Swimming Lesson
Self-Portrait as Everything You’re Not
Mother Tongue
Day Trader
Strawberry Balsamic Donut
A Perfect Facsimile of Flight
Sand Dollars
A Language Is a Story
Perpetual Motion
Nicky True
The Big Comeback
The Grip of a Girl’s Legs
How A World-Famous Pianist Arrives At His Venue Where He Plays Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 In A Slightly Out-Of-Tune C Minor
The Water Goddess
Mating Season
The Trade
The Trouble With Quantum
John Wayne
Whisper Down The Lane
Have Yourself a Merry Little
little piggy and the seven seas
Wild Women
The B Word
he said it was like rusting through
Sunbeam Dream
In Memory of Boots
Robot You
The Smoke Out
The Four Worst Paint Names We Came Across At Home Depot Upon Failing To Pick A New Color For The Empty Spare Room
In the Dust of Elephants
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