Ghost, Fable, and Fairy Tales Prize Winners and Shortlisted Writers
1st Place: It’s Still There by Robert McBrearty This is a superb metafiction; a very short story about very short stories themselves, but a story in itself, too. ~Rumaan Alam
2nd Place: Fusion by Diane Kraynak This taut (and funny) story understands that few things are more frightening and absurd than being in love. ~Rumaan Alam
3rd Place: Cold Comfort by Rachel O’Cleary It’s no simple feat to make a story of any length genuinely moving; to do it in so few words is a marvel. ~Rumaan Alam
Regular Acceptance: Fish Folk by Breana Harris & The Extractions by Kim Parko
We Sleep Within the Vast Sadness of the Mountain by Gayle Burgoyne
Salty Feet by Christine H. Chen
Dark Crescent by Lyndsey Croal
How Boys Get Their Wings by Daniel Culpan
Lair by Kerry Greer
My Analog by Alissa Hattman
The Waking Spell by Meagan Johanson
Home Remedies Or: A Guide for the Afflicted by Libbie Katsev
The Silk Farmer by Malachi Lily
Nettles by Susie Lyddon
Skin Beetles by Rosaleen Lynch
Ghost Sweat by Sherry Mayle
The Lioness In Winter by Blake Rong
The Matchstick Girl by Alex Stein
In Spirit by Ethan Tan
Man-Made by Tessa Whitehead
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