2024 Micro Prize Longlist
Microfictions often set-up and exhibit their own kind of narrative rules, and we’re excited to honor these 47 rule-breaking stories. We will announce our shortlist very soon. We’re excited to get those stories to judge Deb Olin Unferth as soon as possible!
- To Keep
- Runaway
- Arab Sabbatical
- Call Me
- Dad Never Gave Me a Rabbit’s Foot
- Glass
- The Story Goes
- Fishing
- She Won’t Survive This
- Fifteen Shades of Pink
- Dear Kylie Minogue
- To Play the Blues
- At the Bottom of the Sea
- The Time Eater’s Last Meal
- Tummy Tuck
- I Come From Aliens
- In This Skin
- These Thoughts Are Mine Alone
- One of the Lies I Tell My Children (#2)
- My Shadow’s Keeper
- Too Bright a Dark
- Tears
- Playing with House Money
- Fall of Eighty-Four
- If you Got ’em
- magical thinking is to paracosm as repetitive behaviors are to autistic threshold
- A woman makes a cardboard train
- Protoplanet
- Your Funeral Was Lovely
- Uncle’s Spiders
- The Wild Ride to Rehab
- Two Fathers
- Like Broken Glass
- Car Crashes
- A Hawk Brings a Message
- Secret to Marriage
- Baby
- Neighborhood
- Summer Morning
- Weightless
- The Last Apricot
- Our Father
- The Cape
- One Night, The Moon Starts Crying
- Dated
- Small Golden Squares
- Boy and Balut
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