
2024 Micro Prize Longlist

Microfictions often set-up and exhibit their own kind of narrative rules, and we’re excited to honor these 47 rule-breaking stories. We will announce our shortlist very soon. We’re excited to get those stories to judge Deb Olin Unferth as soon as possible!

  1. To Keep
  2. Runaway
  3. Arab Sabbatical
  4. Call Me
  5. Dad Never Gave Me a Rabbit’s Foot
  6. Glass
  7. The Story Goes
  8. Fishing
  9. She Won’t Survive This
  10. Fifteen Shades of Pink
  11. Dear Kylie Minogue
  12. To Play the Blues
  13. At the Bottom of the Sea
  14. The Time Eater’s Last Meal
  15. Tummy Tuck
  16. I Come From Aliens
  17. In This Skin
  18. These Thoughts Are Mine Alone
  19. One of the Lies I Tell My Children (#2)
  20. My Shadow’s Keeper
  21. Too Bright a Dark
  22. Tears
  23. Playing with House Money
  24. Fall of Eighty-Four
  25. If you Got ’em
  26. magical thinking is to paracosm as repetitive behaviors are to autistic threshold
  27. A woman makes a cardboard train
  28. Protoplanet
  29. Your Funeral Was Lovely
  30. Uncle’s Spiders
  31. The Wild Ride to Rehab
  32. Two Fathers
  33. Like Broken Glass
  34. Car Crashes
  35. A Hawk Brings a Message
  36. Secret to Marriage
  37. Baby
  38. Neighborhood
  39. Summer Morning
  40. Weightless
  41. The Last Apricot
  42. Our Father
  43. The Cape
  44. One Night, The Moon Starts Crying
  45. Dated
  46. Small Golden Squares
  47. Boy and Balut

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