Fractured Lit 2021 Micro Contest Winners and Shortlist
Huge thank you to judge Matthew Salesses for reading and choosing the winners. This was definitely one of our most competitive contests and we expect these shortlisted stories will find excellent homes very soon!
1st Place: “mi corazón quiere cantar así” by jj pena
“The way this story uses sound makes it stand out from the bunch. Gunshots, dance beats, and the beat of a heart combine and intensify.” Matthew Salesses
2nd Place: “freedom fighters” by aureleo sans
“ I like a story in which the sentences take interesting turns. Flash fiction often relies on the turn of a sentence over a turn in the plot.” Matthew Salesses
3rd Place: “Not interested” by Catherine Gammon
“Not Interested” is a list story that takes advantage of the way lists can quickly build worlds around what a character knows or notices.” Matthew Salesses
Short List:
How to Take Care (of the Environment) by Yvanna Vien Tica
Four Words for Pink by Juliana Rappaport
Dorothy Paints Poppies From Memory by Barbara Diehl
An Instructional Guide on Making Your Cloud Bleed by Fedja Celebic
Afterwards by Barbara Ford
Offerings by Karen Jones
impossible things that might come true by Helena Fox
How To Leave Your First Husband by Amanda Hadlock
genealogy of red by Caroline Fleischauer
When I Stole All the Streets that Weren’t Streets by Todd Seabrook
Name the Fish in the River by Danielle Harms
One Morning in Maine by Rita Ciresi
What My Grandmother HIdes by Debra Daniel
Brain Food by Ellen Ziegler
Week Six on the Day Ward by Marie Gethins
Things the sun told me while waiting for your forgiveness by Melanie Maggard
Tangerine by Allison Field Bell
Baby Hearts by Ashton Russell
Physical Touch is My Love Language by Eli D’Albora
Tag-along by Christina Toman
Boto by Amy Marques
The Zen Garden by Mariel Masque
When You Come Home From Nashville by Patricia Q. Bidar
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